Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our Camping Adventure

We went camping at Calamity with my brother, Mike, his wife, Jessica, and our little neice, Ahna. We had a beautiful spot, overlooking Palisades Reservoir. Here we attempted a 1/2 mile hike with the kids!

Ahna and Brooklyn are just 6 months apart. It was fun watching them play together on this trip. They are quickly becoming great buddies.

Brooklyn is queen of the rock. This was her first time camping and she loved it. She chased the other kids around and thought she was so big. She loves to be independent.

Poor Caden had a bad reaction to a mosquito bite. Half of his head was swollen to the point he could hardly open his eye. He was such a trooper, never once complaining. It must have looked worse than it felt. Luckily it's back to normal now.

Logan was so enthusiastic about this trip. He would wake up early in the morning and yell, "I love camping! This is so much fun." He probably woke up everyone around us with his excitement.

The kids gave this trip two big thumbs up. After packing up our camp, we headed to Heise Hot Springs and swam (and washed off all our dirt!), then had some delicious pizza at the pizza parlor before heading home.


Trinity said...

Your kids are growing up so fast. So fun to see the pictures! I love the look of your blog too. Hope to talk to you soon. . .

Belnap Family said...

You guys are troopers. Camping is always an adventure with kids, but I love it every time we go! That is so funny that Logan would wake up and yell, "I love camping"! What a cutie

Kelly said...

I hope Caden's eye is doing better! That looks terrible. What a sweet kid for not complaining.

crack'n up ourselves said...

I love looking at the pictures. I am glad you guys had a fun weekend.

Perkins said...

You have such good kids. I had the same thing happen to my eye when I was a kid. I was a baby about it though. Looks like you all had so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time! It was great to visit with you last month! The kids are still talking about their Idaho friends! :)