Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Big Kindergartner

Logan was so excited for his first day of school! I wasn't sure how I would hold up as we dropped him off in the morning. I started to get a little choked up, but I fought off the tears and put on my brave face. I was proud of myself, but more importantly, I was very proud of him. He came home that day with so many things to tell us. He loves learning! I can't believe how quickly he's growing up!

Logan lines up behind his friend, Landon, who is a head taller than him. Most of the kids in his class are friends from our neighborhood.


crack'n up ourselves said...

What a great idea to have Logan hold up a sign with the year on it.

MadMadameMim said...

so great! the first day of kindergarten is bitter sweet. I hope he has a great year.